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Explain yourself.

You have ideas, insights, solutions, products, messages. You have to get them out there, communicating their value. In today’s digitally enabled environment, anyone can be a writer — but not everyone can be a good writer. To stand out with quality and impact, your message needs to be delivered with clarity, originality, precision, and a rhythm that will keep people reading. That’s where I come in.

My business writing and editing clients have included PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Anthesis Group, GE Capital, McGraw Hill Education, Booz & Company, and Whitespace LLC. My NGO and nonprofit clients have included UNICEF, the UN World Food Programme, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, and the New York Botanical Garden. I’ve authored long-form marketing publications for the North American cruise industry, provided editorial services for most of the major New York publishers and select best-selling authors, and served as head writer on a congressional campaign.

Non-exclusive areas of focus: sustainability, risk management, compliance, travel & hospitality.

Samples available by request.