Hello, world. This is what I do.

I WRITE. Books, stories, articles, white papers, reports, blogs, press releases, rants & etc. If you need it to sing, I make it sing. If you need it to rock, I make it rock.

I RE-WRITE. Didn’t come out quite right the first time? Pass it here.

I EDIT. From top-line messaging and mid-level tidying to the most persnickety copyediting, I’ve got you covered.

I have more than 20 years' experience crafting messages, distilling complex topics into accessible reporting, and producing professional publications for a variety of industries. My clients have included global consulting and financial firms, UN agencies, congressional candidates, nonprofits, and major newspapers, magazines, and book publishers. For the business world, I’ve provided writing, rewrite, and editorial services on more than 200 white papers and reports. As an award-winning travel writer, I’ve authored more than a half dozen books and thousands of articles for newspapers, magazines, and the web.

I also MAKE MUSIC. As a performing percussionist, I divide my time between experimental music, free improvisation, and Persian classical and traditional music. I’ve studied with giants and performed with everyone from Persian, Turkish, and Japanese masters to chamber groups, jazz legends, electronic musicians, modern dancers, Zen flower arrangers, and all manner of etcetera. I also serve as artistic director of Extradition, a Portland-based ensemble and concert series focused on 20th- and 21st-century experimental music.

My roots and much of my history are in New York, but for the past fifteen years I’ve made my home in Portland, Oregon.